About Us
Community Technology Development Trust (CTDT) is a not for profit making NGO registered in 2009 with the objective of contributing to the livelihoods of rural communities through interventions aimed at promoting biodiversity conservation and natural resources management in food production practices.
CTDT promotes the management of agrobiodiversity to enhance sustainable livelihoods through intervention strategies aimed at facilitating restoration and enhancement of traditional plant varieties. CTDT strives to enable farmers to own , manage , control and benefit from agrobiodiversity through supporting conservation, restoration and enhancement of local crops.
CTDT is actively involved in the areas of agrobiodiversity, household food and nutrition security, climate change, policy advocacy, and gender mainstreaming. It promotes cultivation of wide diversity of crops and varieties in order to contribute to household food and nutrition security. This involves the cultivation of different nutrition crop groups of starch, proteins, minerals and vitamins. This also involves cultivation of a wide range of varieties for each crop.
Our Vision
Farmers that develop, own, control and conserve biodiversity and are food and nutrition secure, are resilient to climate change, and understand their farmers’ rights.
Our Mission
CTDT seeks to achieve food and nutrition security of marginalized communities through gender sensitive work in biodiversity, agroecology, natural resources and environmental management using research, capacity building, advocacy and partnerships.